If you have ever used the daylight system in Viz Render, Viz and/or Max before you may have noticed there is a good selection of city/locations to choose from. This list does not include every possible location and if you have a site specific latitude/longitude that is required you can easily add additional locations to this list.
To accomplish this browse to the following folder (choose applicable software):
VIZ Render (ADT 2005):
C:\Documents and Settings\
\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\ADT 2005\enu\VIZRender\PLugCFG
VIZ 2005:
\Autodesk VIZ 2005\plugcfg
Max 6:
Open the sitename.txt file in the location(s) given above and add the specific latitude/longitude you desire. This will now be included in your list of locations.
Tip above based on a reminder from Jim Smell (look for Mastering Viz Render in stores later this year).
happy rendering...
Thank you for your comments. The book by Jim and Paul, is due to ship November 15, 2004 and is available for pre-order from: http://paulaubin.com/mastering_viz.php
If you run into any specific issues and need some support the Autodesk Discussion Groups and Vizdepot are two great resources.
happy rendering...
Quite welcome! I look forward to seeing some of your work posted to the forums. =)
happy rendering...
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