Windsurfing Santa from the Holiday Lights at the Beach
A few days ago we visited the local Coleman's Nursery who put on a holiday tradition (39 years) of mechanical dolls and more in a Christmas Wonderland for all ages. Sadly though they are closing there doors after this season. I remember coming here as a child and marveling at the displays that were put together and some fresh hot apple cider when there is a nip to the air. If you live locally you have until Jan. 03, 2004 to visit.
Now that the new year is almost upon us we are getting back into the swing of things. Rendering wise I am currently working on some procedural textures and understanding the best uses for a variety of shaders to make some objects stand-out in some recent work that is due for delivery soon.
With the new year approaching I think it is time for a new look for this blog, keep an eye out for that (after this project goes out of course). ;)
Wishing you the best in 2004.
Happy Rendering...