Monday, April 04, 2005


Been a few fun weeks getting the implementation packages ready for the upcoming and soon-to-be released versions of software from Autodesk. With this release of ADT there are several things I am excited about. First off the use of Project Standards is H U G E (not to mention the speed with which this works in keeping your projects updated)!

Spent the last week in the Harrisburg, PA area with a great group of people who have really taken to learning and understanding the ins/outs of ADT. One of the highlights from the past week, seeing users who never knew ADT had a detailing package in past releases (3.3 and lower) and a rewritten/update for 2004 and seeing their excitement in learning to leverage this tool effectively.

The addition of keynotes and keynote legends in 2005 helps make this tool even better. I know what your thinking, the only way to make this better would be to not have to edit this manually using MS Access. For those thinking about this; ADT 2006 now offers you the ability to edit the database directly (see image below). Similar functionality is also available to edit your keynote database (including a stand-alone Keynote Editor and Keynote Migration Utility).

As the saying goes, the devil is in the details... ;)



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