Monday, December 31, 2007
Have a Safe, Happy and Green new year...
Have a safe, happy and green new year...
Have a safe, happy and green new year...
Have a safe, happy and green new year...
Fused - Digital & Home Life Coming Together
With Christmas now behind us and everyone I know, including myself, with new electronic goodies I have been giving this a bit more personal reflection. One of these gifts (and my personal favorite) was a Chumby (to be released to the general public in the next few months and more information here about their business strategy here).

More pictures here
Over the last few days of use I have realized how much the idea of integrated devices into our homes are going to fill the unrealized voids within our increasing digital lives pretty quickly.
With links to family and friends around the world via social networks and more digital connections to keep up with news and happenings are becoming more mainstream. Rather than keeping my notebook on while at home and having to open/close, move it upstairs/downstairs, login/out when needed and more "modern inconveniences", I can have a single household device that can move around, if needed, to let me passively retrieve information in the background that I will want to view on my own schedule without the hassles mentioned above. From streaming audio, pictures, social networks and access to most any type of digital information and/or updates I may want.
For anyone who might be interested in tinkering around with this type of device, whether you are a programmer/coder, artist or craftsmen its another platform for you to work within and make your own.... From the developer portion of the website it sums this up pretty well:
Hardware: Ahhh, remember back when the Apple II shipped with complete source code for its BIOS and schematics? We are happy to bring this tradition back to the public.
Software: The chumby client is a Linux-based, open-source platform. As our client evolves, so does our flavor of linux and the specific details associated with its drivers and helper applications.
Flash: Are you a Flash animator? We like to think of a chumby as a Flash showcase and encourage Flash artists to spread their talents through our network.
Crafts: The chumby is designed in a way such that the core electronics can be easily separated from its outerwear, enabling you to create that exact look you want.
So far this has been a great lifestyle unification tool, merging my digital life with my home life in a good balance. So which electronic toys did you get or have you had that you cannot live without, please reply via e-mail or in the comments section below.
Bonus: If anyone has the Amazon Kindle
Clarification: the chumby was a gift from my family, not from the manufacturer.
happy fusing...
IES linking with Revit Architecture
For those who need this feature, without purchasing a new license of Revit MEP, to use with Revit Architecture this can now be done after installing this. More information can be found in the press release.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Troubleshooting 3ds Max - Profile Reset
With that in mind here is a great tip for Max users to help troubleshoot corrupt files and other "anomalies". Similar to the profile in AutoCAD, Max has a .ini file that holds things like plug-in paths and more. This file is found in the root Max folder and is called 3dsmax.ini. with your max session closed browse to this location in windows explorer and rename the file (ex. 3dsmax.ini.bak). From here you can start your max session and it will create a new "clean" 3dsmax.ini file for you automatically.
When debugging trouble scenes/files this is a good way to test if it may be one of your own "custom" settings. Note: when doing this locations of toolbars and more will be reset.
happy rendering...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Create a 3D Snowflake even if its warm out...
Over at wikiHow we ran across a tip that involves making a six-armed three dimensional snowflake. To do this you will need: 6 pieces of paper, scissors, tape and a stapler.
Below is the version Dylan and I did this morning hanging from a light. Only modification was thick card stock, a hole punch and thread/fishing line. While the card stock was tough to cut it is holding up well and the holes were punched right at the tips.
Seasons greetings...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Maya native file export formats
Supported Geometry/Scene Formats*
mayaAscii, mayaBinary, MEL, Autodesk® FBX®, aliasWire (Autodesk® AliasStudio™), IGES, DXF, OBJ, VRML2, MOV (ascii motion), GE2, RTG, OpenFlight, VRML2, mental ray, RIB, Open Inventor2.
Supported Image Formats*
Maya IFF, Maya IFF 16, AVI, Apple® QuickTime®, GIF, Softimage® PIC, Wavefront RLA, BMP, TIFF, TIFF16, SGI®, SGI16, Alias PIX, JPEG, EPS, Cineon™, Quantel®, Targa®, DDS, PSD, PNG, QuickDraw™, MacPaint®, HDR, OpenEXR, MAP, Sony® PlayStation® TIM, Dassault® Picture, PPM, mental ray® formats (CT, ST, NT, MT, ZT, TT, BIT, CTH)
Supported Vector Formats*
PostScript, EPS, Macromedia® SWF, Swfit3D, Adobe® Illustrator®, SVG.
* Not all formats supported on all platforms. Not all formats supported for both import and export. Some formats applicable to certain renderers only.
Thanks to George Matos and Autodesk for the file format notes above.
Maya export to .dwg
From the site:
The DWG Plug-in for Maya 2008 enables users to export complex conceptual building designs from Maya for further design development and documentation in Autodesk Revit Architecture 2008. For additional information including a how-to overview of the technology, please see BIM: Maya 2008 for Complex Conceptual Design.pdf which accompanies the install file in the ZIP download
The workflow mentioned to go from Maya to Revit Architecture is the following:
• Create initial design expression in Maya
• Export file from Maya to the DWG file format
• Convert DWG™ files to SAT file format (ACIS® Solid) in AutoCAD® 2008 software via export.
• Import SAT file to Revit Architecture 2008 for documentation via massing.
The Negative:
First, the pitch about bringing this into Revit Architecture is a bit misleading as I modified the steps above slightly to show what is really occuring. The way it is written up makes it sound like a seamless 4 step transition to getting your model from Maya to Revit. This is not seamless, first AutoCAD is used as a "translator" to take the geometry and make it readable by other packages via the .sat file format. To get this into Revit it then takes additional work to clean this up and you have to work from massings, not exactly a smart family to begin with so if you have any experience with family editing you may be better off doing it that way. Ex. a known issue mentioned in the .pdf is that the model may need to be rotated in the massing to get the model in the right orientation.
Second, we can export to .stl directly in Max. Why can we not get that in Maya and skip the whole AutoCAD step?
The Positive:
Great job on the tool as we are now able to share this with other Autodesk users not on Maya.
happy exporting...
beau turner
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Production Rendering Offsite
One thing that always caught my eye was offsite rendering (think a dedicated server farm focused just for rendering stills and animations). At the time there was three choices for this and I was fortunate to be able to test one company with two live projects on a very tight timeframe and they saved the day!
At the time we were using Brazil as our rendering engine RenderCore made sure every driver, software and project specific plug-in we needed to match our setup was done to complete the work. Well it has been a few years since then and I noticed today on tenlinks that RenderCore was mentioned and they now offer another solution that makes this even more attractive pricing wise. It involves what they call Daily Pass, or $50 per rendernode for a full 24 hours of rendering.
If you are using offsite rendering, drop me a e-mail and let me know how things went as I am curious on changes in the last couple of years with this section of the industry.
Happy Rendering...
Monday, December 17, 2007
Windows Vista SP1 Preview
Here goes my plunge into RC1 (downloading now)...
Primavera and Autodesk Interoperability
On a related note to that and with Autodesks aquirement of Navisworks this past year in a press release this morning both parties have agreed to continue working together to keep the existing link between Primavera and Navisworks functioning as well as work on interoperability to the Autodesk AEC line of products.
This will be interesting as we move forward and should improve the 4D & 5D process that we go through currently. In the meantime I plan to continue paid development in this niche. To quote Big Weld: "See a need, fill a need"
Friday, December 14, 2007
Combining Existing & New Technologies
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Google Earth Inner Workings
Google Earth inner workings described in newly published Google Patent App
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
AU Post Wrap-Up
If there was one recurring theme for the week it would have to be networking. It would have been hard not to with 9,800+/- attendees (last number I heard) from all over.
Here a few quick highlights and notes:
To start with the ADN Developers Conference on Monday offered some great information and sneak peeks into some things on the way. The push and amount of data being handled by the dwf files is still amazing.
The Keynote speech was probably the best one I have seen at AU and the screens and seating were a positive change (a pain of mine from last year solved). It was also refreshing to have Yves Behar (fuseproject) present and share some of his insight and projects. Coupled with some emerging technology and the 360 screens and it really gives you an idea of where all the data from intelligent models (manufacturing, GIS, civil, arch, eng, construction, FM and more) are going. It is going to be interesting to see how we are really able to handle datasets for integrated design practices from all groups and municipalities as time goes on. This offered a great approach and shows more work in this area since the demo's last year.
The Exhibition hall was enormous and traffic funneled through rather easily. There were a good number of vendors as well and the products showcased this year were top notch. I did notice a large number of collaboration type tools who seem to really be fighting it out for some of that marketshare. With a space that large and so many folks you can expect a few things to happen and they did (good and bad). The good, there were quite a few "floor" sessions covering top tips and tricks for different platforms. Technology was everywhere from a working wall touch screen (shown with DWF and navigated with your hands) to relics of AutoCAD past (Shaan had some old products and literature including manuals that were corrected by hand and sent to customers vs. manually retyping them) and more. The bad, there was at least one computer stolen that I was aware from the exhibition hall.
In the past the meal lines have been getting better and this year my experiences it went off without a hitch. It all moved fast and there were plenty of places to sit and eat and food was tasty as well. Well done!
The evening entertainment was positive as well and with so many meetings and other events going on there was something for everyone (Disclaimer, Matt taught me how to play BlackJack one evening). The AU Party had an 80's party with comedians, street dancers and later a band as well. For those not into the "concert" venue there was a huge hall outside with computers setup to run old video games from teh 80's and of course drinks for those interested all around.
To end this post I am going to go back full circle and say the networking and being able to see old friends and meet new like minded people with a passion the same as you was one of the best parts. In the end as Lynn Allen said AU is really A You and I could not agree more.
As mentioned before
Monday, November 19, 2007
Revit Extended - Update
1. For those on a 64 bit OS, the new builds will now support that.
2. For those without RAC but who have other Revit flavors (ex. RST, RMEP) installation will now complete for you.
If you were having any trouble with installation please re-download and give the latest builds a go. If you are not sure if you have the latest build you can compare the build numbers against those on the site link above.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Revit Structure & Revit MEP SP#3 New Build
Revit Structure SP#3 build (20071109_2345):
From the web enhancement update list of improvements:
• Improves API for element coping.
• Improves API for instance creation of cellular beam.
• Improves API for rebar group distribution.
• Improves File > Open performance time when opening some project files in Revit Structure software.
• Allows the ability to array face-based families placed on a vertical face.
• Allows the ability to maintain face-based instances on curved surfaces of a Revit file linked into Revit
Structure when the link is unloaded.
• Improves stability when selecting sections.
• Improves stability when accessing the Help menu in Revit Structure on a computer with the Microsoft
Windows Vista™ operating system.
• Improves stability when applying a view template to a sheet.
• Improves performance when views contain many objects with overridden graphics by element.
Revit MEP SP#3 build (20071109_2345):
From the web enhancement update list of improvements:
• Consistent Electrical Fixture insertion behavior after creating Electrical Fixture schedules.
• Improves performance when placing Callouts on MEP models in certain situations.
• Allows the ability to array face-based families placed on a vertical face.
• Allows the ability to maintain face-based instances on curved surfaces of a Revit link when the link is unloaded.
• Improves stability when selecting Sections.
• Allows the ability to insert an electrical receptacle into a legend view.
• Improves stability when accessing the Help menu in Revit MEP on a computer with the Microsoft Windows Vista operating system.
• Improves stability when applying a view template to a sheet.
• Improves performance when views contain many objects with overridden graphics by element.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Revit Architecture - New Build SP3 20071109_2345
From the web enhancement update list of improvements:
• Allows the ability to array face-based families placed on a vertical face.
• Allows the ability to maintain face-based instances on curved surfaces of a Revit file linked into Revit
Architecture software when the link is unloaded.
• Improves stability when selecting sections.
• Allows the ability to insert an electrical receptacle into a legend view.
• Improves stability when accessing the Help menu in Revit Architecture on a computer with the Microsoft Windows Vista™ operating system.
• Improves stability when applying a view template to a sheet.
• Improves performance when views contain many objects with overridden graphics by element.
Revit Extended
I mention this because over the past few years since the Revit API was released our development team has been actively developing tools, both large and small and today we are releasing the first round of free public tools for you to use. These tools come from requests by our Revit implementation/services team, trainers and of course folks just like you.
So without further typing here are todays 5 Free Revit Utilities:
Room Renumbering - allows you to renumber or insert rooms in a sequence
Door Mark Update - to make the door mark match the room it swings into
Change Case - for those who would like to keep a common theme/style on items like view and room names UPPER CASE, lower case and Title Case
Revit Content Browser - this tools will open up inside your revit environment and allow you to download content directly from popular industry locations. The main window currently goes to RevitCity for this release and allows you to review the content you would like and organize it by name and folder location when you download.
Earth Connector - a new update to an existing toolset that now allows you to now work with 4D (time and phasing) from Revit for use in Google Earth.
These work for the Revit 2008 suite of products (Revit Architecture, Revit Structure and Revit MEP) and have been tested on Windows XP and Vista.
Take a moment to download and use, for any feedback send an e-mail to: devfeedback (at)
Matt has spent a good bit of time working on these and I appreciate him leading this charge, the next round of tools are under development now. If you have a particular tool or need for Revit development please let us know how we can help.
A press release of these tools is available here.
Viva La Revitlution... :)
Friday, November 09, 2007
Revit Structure 2008 & CIS/2
More detailed information and research about CIS/2, CIMSteel & IFC files can be found here.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
9 Creative Staircases
9 Creative Staircases
My personal favorite #5. I have pinged Robin to see if he has seen this live before.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Micro-Blogging with Twitter
If you have a twitter account you can also follow-me here.
This will automatically show in the twitter sidebar of the blog as well as on Facebook.
Motorola Updates
Motorola Q
Motorola S9
Lets start with the Q noted above, I have had this device for the past year and have been disappointed with one single item: Battery life (especially compared to having to move from my blackberry). Well a few weeks ago I had a friend mention there was a BIOS update for the device that may help. Well after a few tweaks, restarts and activation the Q was updated.... Final report it is finally usable and if you are having the same problem update your BIOS with info from here.
Now on to the S9. I have been wanting to get a wireless bluetooth stereo headset for a few months now and with my battery problems solved above I finally ended up buying one (ok truth be told I ended up with 2 but thats another story). After using this for 2 work days and a weekend at home I have to say I am impressed.
S9 Positives: no wires, decent distance for talking, light and easy to use
S9 Negatives: laying in bed there is no good way to use them (just be warned)
Last item to note if you are looking to buy a S9 make sure you do not get a knock off (especially if purchasing from E-bay sellers).
happy to be mobile and wireless...
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Business of BIM - Putting the Pieces of the Puzzle Together part 4
6:00 - 7:00 - Networking and Drinks
7:00 - Intro by Beau Turner
7:15 - 7:45 - 3D Laser Scanning with Beau Turner & Joe Hedrick
8:00 - 8:30 - BIM for Construction with Patrick Burns from Mortenson
8:30 - Panel Discussion
We have postponed the BIM & Facilities Management portion of the presentation for a later date/time. If you are interested in this please drop me an e-mail.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Autodesk Labs - Content Search
Content Source quantities (as of 10/2/07):
Autodesk - AutoCAD Architecture 2008 (60)
Autodesk - AutoCAD MEP 2008 (3019)
Autodesk - Revit Architecture 2008 (2150)
Autodesk - Revit MEP 2008 (2312)
Autodesk - Revit Structure 2008 (1916)
McGraw Hill Sweets (9292)
Reed FirstSource (445)
Items with:
dwf (1583)
dwg (5192)
dxf (1570)
pdf (1991)
rfa (6378)
Item Type:
Generic (9457)
Manufactured (9737)
Added: October 1, 2007
Recommended Browsers:
Firefox 2.0 or higher (yeah!!!)
IE 7 or higher
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
What is the length in Revit?

AIA Iowa | Crossing the Chasm - Your Survival Guide for a Successful BIM Transition
On Friday, 9/28 I will be presenting a Workshop titled "Crossing the Chasm - Your Survival Guide for a Successful BIM Transition" during Session 4 starting at 2:30.
If you are in the area, I hope to see you there.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Revit Masking
I have been asked this same question a few times over the last week so here is a quick, dirty example to get you through:
- Open your 2D Family for editing. Now here is the real trick add an invisible line with a "Z" height at least slightly higher than your floor (ex 1/8", 18", etc...).
Friday, September 21, 2007
Looking for a 3rd party plug-in?
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Omaha - Modern Methods
Schedule of Events
• 8:00am - Doors Open with Continental Breakfast
Scheduled VIP Canon Product Demonstrations
Scheduled VIP Lanier Product Demonstrations
Factory Representatives on Hand
• 11:30am – 1:30pm BBQ Lunch and Learn
• 12:30pm – 1:30pm Beau Turner will be giving a presentation entitled "New Implications for the Design-Build Process".
Scheduled VIP Canon Product Demonstrations
Scheduled VIP Lanier Product Demonstrations
Factory Representatives on Hand
Special Skeet shooting for Discounts at this Event
• 5:00pm Doors Close
Lanier Color Gelsprinter plus other items given as door prizes at this event.
If you are in the area I hope to see you there...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Avast there matey
When we were last down in the Outer Banks we got a pirate flag for our little bucaneers and it is flying pround on this unofficial holiday... :)
background on TLAPD
need a pirate glossary
AutoCAD Architecture 2008 - Service Pack 1
The readme lists the fixes, etc...
I am installing now, the first thing that caught me was that it was trying to install using the default installation to the M://. Since this is not a drive I have ever had on this machine I had to repoint this. Anyone else get something similar?
* Update - this seems to be the path it is downloading from visible from Vista.
** Update - If you do not have access to the original installation .msi location your installation update will need to be aborted.
Happy cadding...
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Social Bookmarking Blogger Addition
In that time we have seen a number of technologies grow and others start to fade away, all the while the idea of the now branded "Web 2.0" and the collaboration mash-ups and creations it has spawned have been fueling a new way to interact with individuals. Instead of having to have a large single list of your favorite websites to visit you can now have an online version, complete with other recommended sites that may match your interests (ex. or even a site that users submit sites they find interesting and add their vote showing interest (ex. Digg). This extends beyond just websites and is now including books, music, etc... Each of these offers you the ability to gather and store content in the best way that matches your personality. For me the idea of a wiki was the start to getting into this and now I am excited to see a few other possible avenues for development for the AEC community, more on that later.
So to keep my blogging and writing efforts back on track I am adding a few social bookmarking links to the bottom of each post. In looking for a way to automate this addition I ran across a few good tips out there, though none better summed this up than Amanda over at Blogger Buster with information on how to add this to the new blogger templates.
Playing with Blogger
Blogger Play will show you a never-ending stream of images that were just uploaded to public Blogger blogs. You can click the image to be taken directly to the blog post it was uploaded to, or click “show info” to see an overlay with the post title, a snippet of the body, and some profile information about the blogger who uploaded it.
* Update: This morning shortly after this post a comment was posted stating that my upgrade issue from 9 months ago is now fixed.. a quick check to a few older posts and it seems to be the case. Many thanks for the assistance/notice and of course the fix... :)
My original opening paragraph below (since I could not find a text tool to do a strike-through):
Despite waiting for the blogger support team to assist with a technical upgrade snafu on their end for the last 9 months (blogger support if your reading this, help), their latest release Blogger Play is a fun way to pass the time while waiting for the fix.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Dealing with Cad and job burnout
I will be writing about this over the next week or so, but to get this started I would recommend the following:
Mark Middlebrook - Coping with CAD Burnout I - 1999 still applicable
Mark Middlebrook - Coping with CAD Burnout II - 2001 still applicable

The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick) By Seth Godin
Revit MEP File Installation
Ex. Libraries: D:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RME 2008 vs. Program executable: D:\Program Files\Revit MEP 2008\Program
Now I know the "P" is lacking content but the naming needs to at least be consistent for library development sake... Using a staight OOTB installation on Windows Vista on the D: (not c:).
BTW, Kyle outlined this pretty well in the following location but for those who did not read it, the naming of some content and folder structure has changed in this build.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Return from Autodesk Dev Camp
I was fortunate to attend with 7 others from our Software Development Solutions Team and enjoyed the face time with each of them (we are all is separate cities across the US). This week also allowed a few spare minutes to tweak some soon-to-be released Revit API utilities and a new one created on the spot based on another attendees request.
We are compiling a list of the applications we will be releasing soon (in addition to the Avatech Google Earth Connector for Revit/AutoCAD platforms). If there is something you have been wanting to see developed on the Revit platform please drop me an e-mail so we can add to the list for possible future development.
Happy API hacking...
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Adding Custom Places for Precise Sun Studies

However if you look close enough you will realize that you can not manually add locations to this drop down list. This can actually be accomplished in the Render Settings. To add a new location to the list you must:

1.) Browse to the Rendering Tab and Select Settings
2.) Define and name the scene if you have not done so already.

3.) Ensure that the Use Sun and Shadow Settings From View option is unchecked and click to the Sun button.

4.) In the Sun and Sky Settings Dialog click on the Place tab. Right Click in the Cities Box and select Add from the right click menu.

5.) Fill in the necessary information and Accept the Changes.

When you go to select a City while setting up your shadows the new city should be available from the drop down list. This option allows you to add any location throughout the world and will allow precise shadowing based on the location's latitude and longitude.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Google Labs - Timeline & BIM
As an example I did the search term BIM (click here for the timeline search) and it came up with a timeline of related terms starting around 2002. Switching to the Map view showed a great alternative to view how big this subject is around the world.
Happy searching...
Thursday, May 31, 2007
and its a boy....
Announcing: Callum Von Merrick Turner

Monday, May 07, 2007
GTD Outlook Plug-In
Once available I think I will go ahead and make the plunge. There is a trial version of this (though not for Vista, except possibly beta) available for you to test as well. I did test the demo version for a short period of time before my last machine quit, unfortunately not long enough to really get a feel for things. :(
If you have been using this or have something to offer on the subject, leave a comment.
Happy GTD'ing...
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Accomplishing Goals - Chunking
Having lived through the multi-tasking mentality and its lack of long-term effectiveness I have been working on an idea called "productive task time". Today I ran across an interesting term called Chunking which is very similar to the PTT.
The idea of each is to set aside defined "chunks" of time for events/tasks instead of mutli-tasking a number of events at the same time. If you are having trouble juggling multiple tasks and giving them the proper attention to completion that they deserve give this idea a try.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
AIA San Antonio
From the show floor a couple of technology items that stood out:
1. Tectonic Objects Collection - a good library of information that helps you organize, find and file your families. You can start with their existing library (looks like a decent start) or add your own. Another good item was the ability to add a "tag" to your content that would show your "optimized" families vs. downloaded ones or those from Tectonic. Also included is a general guideline for family naming conventions, for those who do not have one yet this can help you get started. Thanks Dennis and Charlie
2. Green Building Studio - In addition to the great product they have been developing/expanding the last few years, another set of new features coming out are Carbon Footprint and Energy Analysis tools. Another that is not yet released, but looks promising, is the detailed "Climate Server", listed as a high resolution climate server, this provides detailed weather analysis for 65,000 locations will provide a pretty detailed report for your project locations including: Dry Bulb Temperature, Dew Point Temperature, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed and Direction, Direct Normal Radiation, Precipitation Rate, Total Sky cover and more for energy analysis. Thanks John.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Happy Earth Day... And the Revit API
Happy Earth Day to everyone as we all strive to create our sustainable future. With that, the new releases of Revit are being unvailed and we are seeing greater flexibility and maturation of the API.
What is the API and why is it green?
API stands for Application Programmable Interface. It essentially is the plug that allows any third party to tap into Revit to utilize or manipulate the information and components of a Revit Building Information Model. The Revit API is shaping up to play a crucial role in analyzing BIM data for sustainable design purposes. The upcoming release of Revit Systems utilizes the API to synchronize directly with IES to analyze ASHARE loads calculations, annual thermal simulation, and Daylighting Assesment. (I will have much more to come on IES and Revit). The API is ultimately what is going to allow external tools to access our BIM data and streamline the analysis of the building that is essential in its design. You can find in depth information on the Revit API and what is new in the upcoming release at the Cad Application Development Blog. This blog is written by Matt Mason who is the Director of Software Development at Avatech Solutions. Matt has also created the Avatech Earth Connector, a Revit plugin that allows you to export your Revit model directly into Google Earth.
The Revit API is going to play a major role in the ability of third party analysis tools to access our BIM data to develop powerful streamlined tools that we can use to analyze our designs at all stages that allow us to make prudent decisions in regards to sustainability. With the continued development of the Revit API I believe that we will see more integration with advanced tools such as IES and many other technologies to come.
Happy Earth Day!!Sunday, April 01, 2007
Google Fools Day
Googles April Fools Day TiSP - wireless internet access via your home commode
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Free Starbucks?
Of course it cannot be any worse than the line for the one in the MGM Grand in Vegas where I have been visiting this week, thankfully I have a few well placed folks in line that are on speed-dial. ;)
Beware of the lines...
Sunday, March 04, 2007
My trip to "Vista" land - A short chronicle of my upgrade to MS Vista
To do this the M65 has a DVD drive replacement that is a 80gb hard-drive.
The dell hard-drive arrived and so did the Vista DVD. Installation was relatively easy, though there were a few tricky sections:
1. Copied DVD content to hard-drive.
2. Installed new Drive bay, formatted drive and assigned drive letter (D:)
3. While logged into XP on the machine I started the Vista installation from Step #1 above.
4. All checks went well and installation started, sort-of. Each time I input the serial number it would run for another 5-10 minutes then fail with a message saying " vista could not update the boot configuration". This kept up, rebooted, etc... Still the same issue. After a bit of reading I came across two items that helped:
4a. The first was a registry hack, make a back-up before you play with this;
4b. The second was to not put in the serial number when first asked. You will be prompted later to input this, you will need to know which version of Vista you have. In my case I selected Business Edition early on then later input the serial number.
Once these adjustments were done, Vista installation went pretty quick. A few reboots later to finish (which it did automatically) and Vista was up and running.
Software installed so far:
Office 2007, Photoshop, MasterListPro and Buzzsaw.
Office installed quick and easy. Photoshop CS2 kept asking me to register, though this was already done each time I started up. This ended up requiring me to right click the start icon and choose to run this as administrator.
MLP has not been tested yet as a restart was needed and productivity time is short this weekend for the deadlines I am working to meet. Since I have been focused on GTD, this is one of my tools that I rely on quite heavily. Thankfully I have my printed list as a carry around. :)
The full buzzsaw client installed easily and has been working with no noticeable issues.
Next is the new line of autodesk products... This part should be exciting.
The Vista gadgets (widgets) offer some useful items as well, so far I have found the following useful: battery meter, alarm clock and Call Wave voicemail. This is a great way to burn some time reviewing all the extra gadgets, find what works and remove the rest.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Calculating Glazing to Floor Area Ratios With Revit
Below is an example of the schedule with two different window sizes, the first that would cause the room to overheat and second that does not.

To begin the process we will need to first create a Window Schedule with the following default parameters from Revit:
Family & Type
From Room: Unbounded Height
From Room: Volume
From Room: Name
(For this example I will only be using the From Room: variables to calculate the needed information. If needed, both the 'from' and the 'to' room' parameters can be used.)
The following custom Parameter were used to hold needed information in the Glazing Area Schedule:
I created the above parameters as Project Parameters associated with windows. These parameters allow for the Glazing Area Schedule to calculate the orientation of each individual window. These parameters will need to be set for each window in the design.
The following Calculated Values were used to compute the necessary information to obtain the overheat determination:
Window Area Width * Height / 1 SF
Glazing Area of Room % of Window Area: From Room: Name
Overall Glazing Area Window Area / Glazing Area of Room
Glazing Percentage of Room Overall Glazing Area / Room Area
Room Area From Room: Volume / From Room: Unbounded Height / 1 SF
Glazing Multiplier if(North, 0.05, if(South, 0.15, if(West, 0.07, if(East, 0.07, 1))))
Overheat Integer if(Glazing Percentage of Room < Glazing Multiplier, 1, 2)
Overheat if(Overheat Integer = 1, "no", "yes")
This tools is just a concept for leveraging the power behind Revit to assist us in smarter design. With unlimited potential, Revit can help us transcend to the green utopia.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Visual Maps
After a few minutes of playing with the technology this helped me to get past my idea block and opened up a few new ideas on where I was going. If you are looking for an interesting approach on using the dictionary/thesaurus this is an item you should review.
On a random though, this technology is built-on ThinkMap which offers some interesting possibilities for development related to the AEC market.