Monday, September 17, 2007

Revit MEP File Installation

Working on testing a few new Revit Utilities and updated my build of Revit MEP to the latest. 3+ hours later (not a deployment just a stand alone installation), why does the revit file installation naming have to be different in each folder?

Ex. Libraries: D:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RME 2008 vs. Program executable: D:\Program Files\Revit MEP 2008\Program

Now I know the "P" is lacking content but the naming needs to at least be consistent for library development sake... Using a staight OOTB installation on Windows Vista on the D: (not c:).

BTW, Kyle outlined this pretty well in the following location but for those who did not read it, the naming of some content and folder structure has changed in this build.

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